Sunday, May 20, 2012

Singing in Sacrament Meeting

Sunday! A day for relaxation. Lyn and I took the bus to church, which is fun because a lot of the people in our group take the same bus so we all get to sit and talk. Last Sunday, one of the ladies from the Relief Society asked us to organize a musical number for Sacrament meeting. Well, we kind of forgot about it during the week, so we decided to just improvise and sing it! We’ve all sung hymns plenty of times, so we figured it wouldn’t be too hard. However, it was in Spanish. That does make it a bit more difficult! Luckily, Sacrament meeting was last, so after Sunday School, the girls all got together and did a quick run through! It sounded great, no practice, so we just went for it! Apparently, while we were singing, a ton of people in the congregation pulled out their cell phones and recorded us! Other people said that they saw people crying because they were so touched. It was so precious! I loved it. After church, we came home, then my friend Lexi came over to the house to give Gloria and Santi a present from her friends back home. They had gone on a Study Abroad the semester before and lived with Gloria and Santi. We all sat in the living room, and Gloria made us some herbal tea and brought in cookies, too! It was so fun! We sat and talked for quite some time, and Lexi and I attempted to translate a letter that the girls wrote for Santi. Afterwards, we walked down to Profe’s house for a movie and game night with some of the group. We were a little late from talking, so I decided to just jump in on a game rather than watch the movie when it was halfway over. It was so much fun! We played Monopoly Deal in the tiny little kitchen. I just love the people in my group. They’re so much fun. Profe is great too! I love it when he likes to hang out with us. It was another one of those days where I realized I was in Spain and I got really excited all over! I realize that I’m living my dream and I feel great.  I’m so blessed! Afterwards, Lexi came over to our house again for dinner because Santi made a special Spanish tortilla and invited her to come. It was a ton of fun! I have the greatest host family. It couldn’t have worked out better! Life is good. That’s all I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you jumped right in and took this opportunity to go to Spain. You'll NEVER forget or regret it! WAHOO!
