Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Fireworks Ever!

Today was a very productive day, if I do say so myself! Started out with class, then worked on homework and wrote some postcards. Afterwards, I went to the post office and sent them, then to the phone store to put some more minutes on our cell phone. Afterwards, I walked home, ate lunch, and wrote a LOT in my blog. It's so hard to stay caught up, but I know I won't regret it. I literally did that for a most of the day! Previously, Profe Hague told us that we couldn't go into Madrid until Wednesday because there were protests and "Occupy Madrid's" which were said to be very dangerous, but also, the Festival de San Isidro was also going on. You can't be in Spain during a famous festival and not participate in it all! Each night ended with a spectacular firework show, and we convinced him to let all of us go as a group for FHE! I was so excited!
We met with the group, rode the train into Madrid, then walked over to a huge botanical garden/park where they'd be shooting off the fireworks. There were a ton of people there! It was a really fun atmosphere. We walked by a performer putting on a show, and he started juggling a chain saw, knife, and ball all at the same time! It was ridiculous. In the center of the park, there's a mini man-made lake with a statue structure in back of it. Everyone was gathered around the perimeter of the lake so they could have prime view of the fireworks once they started. We waited around for a bit for the show to start, but let me tell you, it was so worth it! This was one of the best, if not the best, firework show I've ever seen. The statue and pillars in back would change colors, and there was classical music playing in the background to go along with the fireworks, which just added to it.
At one point, fireworks shot off from the middle of the lake and looked like they were going to come right in our faces, but then they stopped right before getting to that point. It was AMAZING! From the crowd, you could hear legit "ooh's" and "aah's" as each one went off! I definitely got a bit hyper... Let's just say it was a combination of the fireworks, the fact that I was in Spain watching fireworks, and the awesome people I was with. The show wasn't that long, which was a bit disappointing. We really had to hurry afterwards, too, because the train only runs for so long, and there were thousands and thousands of people in the park. Luckily, we barely made the last train back to Alcala de Henares. Luckily, Gloria and Santi don't really care when or what we eat, so I came home, had some chocolate milk and cookies, then headed off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. oh haley!! seriously! havin' the time of your life!!! miss you!
