Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Today wasn't an extremely exciting day, but it was definitely relaxing, which I needed. My roommate and I decided to fast because we didn't really get a chance to do it the week before. Also, it was Mother's Day back home in the States! My only problem was having to wait the entire day before I could even Skype home to tell my Mom that I love her and am so grateful for all she does for me. It was worth it though! I'm so grateful for Skype! Lyn and I took the bus to church, but it couldn't get us all the way because some streets were closed. It was the Festival de San Isidro, and apparently that morning there was a family bike race going on right where we needed to drive through! It was really fun to see all the people on their bikes, though. Especially all the cute little kids! Church was great. I can really get a lot out of it when I concentrate hard to translate everything they're saying. This Sunday, I definitely paid better attention than the last! It's funny, because our group basically doubles the attendance in the ward. Sometimes our boys help out with the Sacrament, and sometimes the girls are asked to say prayers or lead the music. It's a lot of fun! After church, we came home, then I got to Skype with my Mommy-Moo. After, I took a well-needed nap! I intended to go to a movie night at Profe's house, but I definitely slept late and missed it. However, afterwards, we were meeting with some of the Young Single Adults to watch a CES fireside that they'd had to wait to see until it was translated into Spanish. When we got there, however, they couldn't get the specific one working, so we just watched an old one from the beginning of the year. One really cool thing, though, was the fact that it was being broadcast from the Marriott Center at BYU, which we've all been to a hundred times, yet we were here watching it in Spain. They also talked about how people from all over the world would be watching this broadcast translated into different languages, which was exactly what we were doing. I hear them say that all the time, but it doesn't mean anything until you're actually experiencing it for yourself. That was another one of those "Wow!" moments for me. I experience things like this occasionally and wonder how the heck I got the opportunity to travel and study in Spain! My life is absolutely amazing! That's the conclusion I come to every time. :)

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