Sunday, April 29, 2012

La primer domingo aqui en España

"The first Sunday here in Spain." I'm starting to think in Spanish, and sometimes it takes me a minute to revert to English! I love it! Yesterday, I took a brief siesta, and I had a dream where I distinctly remember a couple things being in Spanish! I've heard that if you start to dream in a different language, then that means you're becoming fluent. I guess that's a good sign! I'm on my way. :) Well, today we had our first Sunday. Woke up this morning, tried to do my hair a bit nicer than usual, but it was still difficult because we can't use our hair appliances. The voltage is too strong, and when we try to plug them in, it starts to buzz and spark! Not a good idea...
(This is a picture of me trying to set the self-timer and still get in the picture in time, but I ended up just looking like a ghost!) We thought we'd have to walk to church, but luckily Gloria offered to drive us! Otherwise, it probably would have been an hour or more walk. Yikes! Can't wait to have our bus pass! Church was definitely interesting to have in Spanish. Some of it was hard to understand because I don't know a lot of the church words in Spanish, but I did start to pick up on a few. The other day, I bought a mini pocket notebook so I can start writing down words that I learn. It's really useful! One cool thing to see was that the members are so strong in their faith. They're few in numbers, but they don't waiver in the least. It's a choice to live the Gospel here; not something they do because they have to or because that's what everyone else is doing. I loved to see that! The primary also sang a song, and it was so cute to hear! This seems strange, but it always catches me off guard when people start talking to pets and to babies in Spanish. It just seems so weird to see because I know they don't really understand the words that you're saying anyways, so I might as well just talk to them in English! Ha! Or maybe I'm just weird, which is completely possible. When church was over, Lyn and I were surprised to see Gloria outside the doors! She had come to pick us up, but we thought we'd be walking home. It was so nice of her to do! When we got home, we ate Chinese food that they had ordered. Yum! I guess the whole world over eats each other's types of foods! We had fried rice, different dishes with chicken, vegetables, and sauce, egg rolls, a Chinese salad, Spanish bread, and Chinese desserts. I really enjoyed the desserts! There was a "queso con crema" which is like a jellied cream cheese dessert with orange sauce on top, flan, and nueces con nata, which are candied walnuts with whipped topping. Yum yum yum! Eating always makes me tired, plus we stay up super late because the schedule is weird, so now we're super tired. One of my favorite parts of the day is when we can be in our rooms and relax. Later, we might go meet up with the group and some of the "adultos solteras del barrio" (young single adults of the ward) to play games. Fun times! ¡Viva España! Later... It rained almost all day, and it was freezing, so we didn't go out. Walking half an hour in the pouring rain isn't super fun, if you know what I mean. Gloria and Santi didn't want to cook today because it was their day to rest, so they ordered pizza for dinner! For dessert, she whipped out the Ben and Jerry's. No complaints here! Now, it's time to pack for our trip tomorrow, which is going to be very cold, then off to bed! ¡Buenos noches!


  1. Part of my dream was in Spanish too! I was SO excited about it...despite the fact my dream was a nightmare.

  2. Uh oh... That's never good! Hey girl, we're on our way! Yeehah!
